DOTA Allstars new map 6.44
Sacred Warrior is a troll that heals and does fiery damage at the expense of his health. His ultimate is good for beginners. Damage done is base on a percentage of his hit point. So for this dude, go for the strength build. He is a good healer, so he gets to stay in the lane real long.
Dirge the undying is one tough zombie, able to control the lane with the zombies that he raises, they in turn heals the hero and Dirge is a walking radiance, well better, imagine 1% of your hp goes away at his presence at regular interval. His ultimate really slows you and am not sure if damage is done. But this zombie can really push. Takes a lot of effort to stop him. With the right team, I think its possible to push very hard into enemy base at level 6. An IMBA hero that is just dying to be nerfed in the next version.
Storm Spirit is a blue panda, probably seen him before. Its the blue panda when Pandarean Brewmaster calls his ultimate and splits. Storm Spirit shoots electric bolts and can shoot them fast at the expanse of mana. Has a chance of creating a mini purge. His magical shield is also nice, making him good against magic users. Lastly his ultimate is a grapple. Just one night and I've seen creative use of it. I suck at grappling..ha ha ha.. once I brought my entire dying team close to the opposing team. Wasn't very popular after that. Anyway, grapple is cool, you could grapple an object (even trees and living things) and bring anyone around you to it. You could grapple a far away tree to escape from an enemy. Its not a blink so, I suppose your line of path must be clear.
Pit Fiend, a demon like hero. Able to do minimal area damage by raining fire at an area, cast a wall of tomb stone around his enemies. if they touch these tomb stones they are stunned for a short while. Most times they just walk right between the tombstones with ease. His ultimate is cool, he can open a portal that leads to any where in the map. Seen one creative use of it, where he transports his entire team to another part of the map. Naturally surprising the enemy in the forest.
Dark Seer, a melee intelligence hero. First skill brings every one to a point and damages them. Second skill shields and damages. Third removes negative buffs. Ultimate creates a wall, any hero that passes through an image of the hero is created. Possible deadly combo is, wall in front of him, cast first skill to pull enemy heroes through the wall creating images of them which in turn attacks his enemies.
Lanaya, the toughest to play. Then again I only had one night to evaluate and by evaluate I mean just join a game and play, trying to read their skills while farming and wondering what skill build to go for. Lanaya can hide, but only for awhile. Her ultimate is to set traps that last pretty long, cool down for the trap is also short. You could set as many traps as you want. Traps slows her enemies, but you have to manually trigger them, have yet to test if it auto-triggers. This micro manage of traps makes Lanaya a hero for advance players.
Anyway, amongst these new heroes, I guess Storm Spirit and Sacred Warrior suits my style. And maybe Dirge for his IMBA abilities. Pit Fiend if my team mates are really good.
Looks like IceFrog introduced piercing type of heroes. Lanaya and Sacred Warriors are throw dart like weapons. Sacred probably made to look like spears where as Lanaya throws her psionic daggers. Wanted to read a bit more on these new heroes but couldn't seem to be down since yesterday. Maybe it couldn't handle the load.
Like all things new it comes with defects. I hear there are memory leaks. Players disconnects probably due to a crash sometimes. Encountered a check sum error while playing, good thing it was caught. A red message appeared asking us to save the replay and email to IceFrog. Well, kind of got carried away, forgot to save replay and just joined the next game :P
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