Thursday, April 26, 2007

Skype chope my port 80

Skype chope my port 80
Skype chope my port 80,
originally uploaded by MacroGrey.
Haven't blogged for ages. Has it been almost a year now? Well, what can I say? Been busy and just didn't feel like blogging.

Anyway, today I just got tired of Skype using port 80 on my WinXP machine. I'm running an intranet application on my pc. Been manually starting this sequentially for months (Webrick then Skype). Yes I know, been procrastinating. Finally got my act together, searched google and whoa, lots of people had the same experience. Seems Skype default connection port is 80 and 443! Yes 80 and 443! To change it to another go to Tools->Option->Connection. I set mine to something high. Basket why did they default it so? Using port 80 and 443 (SSL).
WTF! You'll never get that through on a unix machine unless you're root. So ok, it's about time I configure my intranet application to start automatically when my pc starts. And oh, google led me to discover a few WinXP tip,
  • netstat -a -o -n
  • tasklist /fi "PID eq 1280"
  • taskkill /PID 1280

another bloggers experience with Skype's:80


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