Sunday, May 07, 2006

Outcome as expected..

And so the incumbent party has won the day ( as expected ). But what surprised me was the increased margin in Potong Pasir and Hougang. Wow! Three cheers to the voters there for not biting the carrot ($180 milllion of upgrade funds promised). As for Aljunied GRC, close fight! Although the incumbent calls it a landslide (base on other countries standard), I think by Singapore standards, its a close 6.1% margin.

Aside from these slight change, all is well and the same. I really hope this new team will see us through difficult waters ahead. Makes me wonder, what will Singapore be like in a 100 years? Or 50. Will we still be relevant? Our success is not natural, we have little resource and land. Our past success was hugely base on our ports and skilled human capital. Our neighbours are fast catching up. How long can we run ahead? One thing that slows their progress is a stable government.

I guess in a way, we should be thankful for the incumbent. Despite their aristocratic ways and some goof ups, they are still the best. And can Singapore afford to bicker for days and months on issues? Our government is quick to act compared with our neighbours. Aside from being efficient there is little opposition in power to give them pause.

Lets hope that the incumbent will learn to be more humane, especially when implementing policies that affect our lives. If cost of living must be increased, then please, explain it clearly from all angles why. And do try to listen to all feedbacks and not just collect feedback for the sake of it. And lastly, try to spend some time with your people in your constituency.


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