I was wondering why the incumbent has been hitting hard on James Gomez. After all the poor man merely thought he had submitted a form. Futhermore has apologised. Perhaps its a polictical strategy to win more votes from his party. But after searching google, perhaps they fear him. To quote Yoda, "Fear leads to the dark side".
According to ThinkCentreAsia.org, Gomez is no novice in politics, he has written a book, Self-Censorship: Singapore's Shame, organised a polical rally titled, "Save JBJ Rally" and voted by Asiaweek as one of Asia's 50 Most Powerful Communicators and later, Asia's Top Ten "Rebels &; Mavericks". He has a news website, http://www.jamesgomeznews.com and a blog even.

Now that he has been arrested. To allay all doubts and fears of the people, I hope the government will prove to us, that he is a liar as they claim him to be. Goverments reputation is at stake here. But you know what, no matter the outcome, our government will have left a certain dark stain in all of us.
According to ThinkCentreAsia.org, Gomez is no novice in politics, he has written a book, Self-Censorship: Singapore's Shame, organised a polical rally titled, "Save JBJ Rally" and voted by Asiaweek as one of Asia's 50 Most Powerful Communicators and later, Asia's Top Ten "Rebels &; Mavericks". He has a news website, http://www.jamesgomeznews.com and a blog even.

Now that he has been arrested. To allay all doubts and fears of the people, I hope the government will prove to us, that he is a liar as they claim him to be. Goverments reputation is at stake here. But you know what, no matter the outcome, our government will have left a certain dark stain in all of us.
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