Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Rusty play

Haven't played DOTA for awhile. Just played. I suck. Even at my favourite hero, the treant. Furthermore the opposing team team work was better. Thats the problem with public games these days. The host team (Sentinels) will have his friends, who are more likely to play better together. Whereas the Scourge will just have to take their chances. I noticed that there is a certain level of maturity now that our local boys have been playing DOTA. Nobody complains when their team mate dies as in the past, you'll get comments like,
  1. zzzz
  2. z
  3. sigh
  4. don't feed
  5. u noob?
  6. fuk u la.. noob!
I suppose they finally realise that passing such stupid and demoralising comments work against the greater good of the team. Which is good. This game/map teaches kids to work as a team, even at play. So, who says gaming is all that bad?

And IceFrog seems to be busy fixing major bugs for the 6.2x maps. Since 6.20 was released there were map release to fix these bugs almost every few days. Map version is now at 6.24 Hope it stabilises soon. Getting tired of checking dota-allstars before I join those public games.


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