Friday, November 11, 2005


Love it or hate it, the use of blogs have been used to spread gossip. With the rise of blogs and its draw, they are worst then the paparazzi. Clapbangkiss Exposé on is just such an example.

Bloggers spend considerable amount of effort to dig and air a person's past. And all the idiots with the herd mentality jumping in. Yeah, right. Kick while she's on the ground. In Hokkien they call it, 'lup chik kar'.

Strangely, few spend time to write about the good. A wise person once told me, 'Why is it that the media reports more bad news then good?'. Sadly the masses are hungry for it. The complain letters in forums are far longer and more then the praises. Why is that? I better end this, for its starting to sound like a complain.


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