Cool storage

Isn't this flash drive cute? They're from Mimoco a toy company in US. A little expensive though, but definitely an attention grabbing accessory. For now my trusty usb 1.0 thumb drive will do. Although its 256MB, it works for me. Or is it? Tiny portable storage devices comes in many forms these days, from the arty farty to the mega sized for geeks, where the hard drive is the new bling. Seagate's 5GB pocket hard drive also not bad.
Storage capacity will increase and prices will fall per GB. Yes GB, I can't believe I just used GB instead of KB. Seems like only yesterday when I was one of the few in my class who had 250MB hard drive. Yes those days the 5.25" floppy disk was in. But I wonder, what junk will we be carrying around?
"Oh, I have the entire series of Friends, Lost, Desperate house wives and my dad's favourite, Hawaii-Five O."And how often do you watch them? Do you need them at all?
Looks like I will be sticking with my 256MB thumb drive for awhile, until the next big storage thing becomes too cheap to resist. Go china, go! hahahaha...
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