Just in (.. the buff)
Just got an email. Check out this fine dining restaurant in Denmark.

Never been to Denmark. Now I want to go :)
Heh. Actually its really nothing isn't it? Its just a novelty. Theres something built in us human to constantly think of sex. Its part of our biological makeup. The gist of it is to procreate. If you think about it in this logical sense, suddenly sex seems like a chore.. And it could be a reason why humans are the only species ( I think ) that find pleasure in doing it.... well ok, besides dolphins :)

Never been to Denmark. Now I want to go :)
Heh. Actually its really nothing isn't it? Its just a novelty. Theres something built in us human to constantly think of sex. Its part of our biological makeup. The gist of it is to procreate. If you think about it in this logical sense, suddenly sex seems like a chore.. And it could be a reason why humans are the only species ( I think ) that find pleasure in doing it.... well ok, besides dolphins :)
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